Food Delivery

Mar 04, 2021
Mobile & Web Application

Tools & Technologies

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js, TailwindCSS, Laravel


Ready made on-demand food delivery solutions for restaurants and food outlets.

- Client interface : where the client can create his own account and manage his orders and addresses and see the available restaurants with their products, also the client can place an order by putting the products he want in the cart then writes his address/picking it in the map and confirming his order, after that he can see the status of his order that is updated after each step by the restaurant.

- Restaurant interface : Dashboard where the restaurant can see the new orders and can accept or decline the order. Also the restaurant can manage his products with different variants and he can also assign on of his delivery guys to an order to deliver it.

- Admin interface: Dashboard where the manager of WHS FooDelivery can manage everything in the platform such as restaurants, users, orders and see analytics about the platform.

WHS FooDelivery platform have multiple advanced features such as Real-time map tracking, notifications system also a mobile application in both Google play and App Store.

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